Align with your Design is the simple, straightforward, easy to use and apply course for learning about the fundamental aspects of your Human Design Chart: Energy Type, Strategy and Inner Authority. "Energy Type" and "Strategy" are the Human Design words to describe how to use your energy in the world. "Inner Authority" is the Human Design word to describe how you best make decisions to get the most out of life!

This course is for anyone looking to get back in touch with their true nature. No prior Human Design knowledge is necessary! And if you do know a little about Human Design already, this course is a comprehensive, deep-dive into the most important aspects of your chart. Sometimes, the deeper we get into researching Human Design on the Internet or Instagram, the more out of touch and confused we can feel about what is actually important. Human Design is not meant to be a whole bunch of interesting information, but a lived experiment that you put into practice in your daily life. The Align with your Design course teaches you how to do just that!

Check out the course curriculum below to get an idea of whether this course is a fit for you. Also, feel free to check out my free material on Instagram @humandesigncounselling or on my website

You can also preview the first two video lessons by clicking below, to get a taste of my teaching style and whether it resonates with you :)

Course Curriculum

Courtney Post

Hi, I’m Courtney :)

I am a counsellor, certified teacher, and the founder of Human Design Counselling. I create courses and offer counselling sessions based on Human Design. My mission is to empower you to wake up to your true nature. Learn more about me on my website: or follow me on Instagram @humandesigncounselling.

Sign up now to get started on your journey back to your true nature